Health & Safety

Health & Safety


1.Children who are ill should not be sent to school. 

2.Parents are asked that the school be made aware of, in writing, any physical disability or allergies which their child might have. 

3.If you notice any head lice in your Childs hair please deal with them as quickly as possible and everyone else in your home should also be treated. 

Please let the class teacher know so that a note can be sent out to all parents in that class of an outbreak. 

It is vital that all long hair is tied back so as to lessen the chance of cross contamination. Please check your child's hair regularly. 

4.In the interests of safety pupils are only allowed wear stud earrings.

All other items of jewellery, earrings, make up and piercings are prohibited in school. 

5.Requests to remain indoors at break times should only be made in exceptional circumstances (limbs in plaster, recovering from/awaiting surgery). 

These requests must be made in writing to the class teacher. 

6.In the interests of safety and supervision, children are not encouraged to re-enter the school premises at break times. However they may do so, having first sought permission from the teacher on Yard Supervision. 

7.In the interests of safety, parents' cars are not allowed into the school grounds.

Please do not block the gate when dropping or picking up pupils. 

8.Medication—Pupils are not allowed to bring in medication.

Long term treatment needs to have permission from BOM.

Administration of Medicines. 

Parents are very welcome to Camolin N.S. to administer medicines to their children during the school day. 

No staff member of Camolin N.S. will administer non prescription or prescription medicine without a prior request in writing being made by a particular child’s parents \ guardians. 

The letter requesting that medicine be administered will contain the following: 

      Child’s full name and address. 

      The name of the medication to be administered. 

      The exact dosage and time of administration. 

      Signature of parent \ guardian. 

Each application will be considered separately and a decision will be made following consultation between the Principal, class teacher and parent \ guardian, with a note of the request and decision and all correspondence being kept on the child’s file. 

When administration of medication has been approved for a child during the school day. The following procedure will be used: 

Parent’s are responsible for the provision of medication and should normally keep account to ensure that medication is available 

Parent must show at least 2 members of staff how to administer the medication 

Medication should be sent to the Principal’s Office and will be kept in a safe place 

Medication will be administered from the Principal’s Office 

Where there are changes in dosage or time of administration, parent \ guardian or other person designated by the parent \ guardian, should write a letter requesting these changes 

Request for administration of medication should be renewed at the beginning of each school year 

A record of administration will be kept in the office

Accident Procedures. 

1. Accidents occur despite supervision. Minor accidents are treated at school. Cleaning with cold water and applying a plaster to the wound normally treat slight cuts and grazes. When a dressing has been put on a wound, parents are requested to inspect the wound when the child comes home from school.

These accidents will be written up in the accident book in the staff room.

2. In the event of an accident / child becoming ill, every possible effort will be made to contact the pupil's parents or the persons delegated to take responsibility for the pupil.

3. Please complete the form giving details of home / work phone numbers. The school should be notified immediately of changes of address etc.

4. Please ensure that alternative contact consent has been received and that they live locally.

5. There is a facility for parents to take out insurance to   cover medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident at school. Details of this scheme are circulated to parents in September.

First Aid Policy. 


This policy was drafted by the staff so as to have a definite guide of practice for all teachers. The policy applies to all users of the school premises and all school related activities.  


The formulation of this policy enables our school to effectively –

  •Provide for the immediate needs and requirements of students who have sustained either a serious or a minor injury.

  •Ensure that adequate resources and arrangements are in place to deal with injuries/accidents as they arise.

  •Ensure lines of communication with parents/guardians are in place if required.

  •Activate a known plan of action with which all staff are familiar. 

Roles and Responsibilities.

The overall responsibility for the day to day management of school supervision /routines rests with the Principal. The class teacher is responsible for classroom supervision and teachers on yard duty are directly responsible for the supervision of pupils at break time. Accidents should be brought to the attention of the Principal if teachers deem it necessary to do so. 


  •To ensure the physical safety and wellbeing of all staff and pupils.

  •To develop a framework of procedures whereby all injuries are dealt with in a competent and safe manner.

  •To provide training staff development and the effective use of outside expertise so that children have access to proper interventions. 


Safety of pupils and staff is a priority for the Board of Management, and measures have been put in place to ensure no children or staffs are put at risk.

  •A comprehensive school Health & Safety Statement is in place whereby all hazard are identified and remedial measures are outlined, if required.

  •The school is insured under Allianz Insurance and parents have an option of getting 24 hour overage by Allianz if they so wish to. Information about this scheme is circulated each September.

  •The provision of First Aid Training for staff should be discussed by the Board every two years.

  •Each classroom teacher regularly instructs his/her class on issues relating to safety in the class/yard. Dangerous practices such as climbing trees, climbing goalposts, throwing stones, running fast in the Infant areas, engaging in “horseplay”, fighting etc. are subject to severe sanctions (see School Anti-Bullying and Discipline Policies).

  •Certain procedures are in place in the event of accidents.

  •There is at least one teacher and one S.N.A. on yard duty at any one time.

  •First Aid kit must be brought on school tours and other outside activities.