Assessment Policy

Assessment Policy

Assessment Policy   Camolin N.S.



The development of this policy has been guided by legislative requirements enshrined in:

•The Education Act (1998)

•The Data Protection (Ammendment) Act (2003)

•The Equal Status Act (2000)

•The Education (Welfare) Act (2000)

•The Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act (2004)


This policy has been drafted by the teaching staff of Camolin N.S. with due regard to the above requirements as well as recommendations from the Department of Education & Science and best practice in the area of pupil assessment.



This assessment policy sets out to clarify the purpose and practice of assessment in Camolin National School.


Relationship to characteristic spirit of our school.

Assessment activities used in Camolin N.S. will contribute to pupil learning and development by highlighting key areas of strength and need. The policy is linked with policies in curricular areas as well as our SEN Policy.



The main aims of our assessment policy are

•To benefit pupil learning

•To monitor learning processes

•To generate baseline data that can be used to monitor achievement over time

•To involve parents and pupils in identifying and managing learning strengths or difficulties

•To assist teachers’ long and short term planning

•To coordinate assessment procedures on a whole school basis, etc.



Standardised tests

In accordance with the requirements of Circular 0138/2006, standardised tests are carried out in literacy and mathematics. It is school policy to carry out these tests as follows-


MICRA-T and SIGMA-T - for pupils of 1st to 6th classes during the last term every year.

MIST Test- for pupils in Senior Infants during the second term.


Administration & Correction: Class Teacher/ SET


Exemptions: As per Circular 0138/2006


Recording of Results:

Results for the MICRA-T and SIGMA-T are recorded in terms of raw score, standard score, percentile rank and STEN.

Pupil screening and standardised assessment results are recorded in pupil files and class lists until pupils leave school and pupil reaches the age of 21 and pass results on from year to year


Test booklets are kept for one academic year.

Agreed terminology is used to communicate results and teachers are mindful of the need to record any comments in an objective and instructive manner.

Sensitive data is securely stored in computer file (Micra T & Sigma T) and in hard copy stored in locked filing cabinet.

Test results may be communicated to those with an involvement in the pupil’s learning- parents, psychologist, specialised therapist, secondary school to which pupil is transferring to etc.


Reporting to parents:

Results are reported to parents in 1st& 4th Classes in written form along with the end of year report. To maintain consistency, STEN scores are given along with a descriptor e.g. ‘high average’, ‘below average’ etc.


Analysis of results:

Results are analysed on an individual basis by class teachers and on a whole school basis by SET, in order to identify pupils for supplementary teaching (see below). Whole staff analysis of results informs teaching and learning practices in school.

Reporting to outside agencies on Individual Pupils.

In the event of a request by an outside agency for a pupil assessment, parental permission will be obtained first. The Principal will be informed and will be supplied with the report before its being forwarded. The Staff Member who completes the report will keep a copy of the report and a copy will be kept in the school records. A copy of the request should also be kept on file and the reason why the report was sought. The Principal will have the discretion to bring any sensitive reports or requests to the Board of Management for their attention, advice or direction.


Assessment policy for SET.


Standardised Tests

Senior Infants: MIST is administered to pupils in Senior Infants during the second term. Those who fall below the cut-off scores in 3 or more sub-sections of the test are recommended for the ‘Forward Together’ programme. If a child’s scores have not sufficiently improved after completing the programme they would be selected for learning support.


1st class-6th class: MICRA-T, SIGMA-T testing takes place in the last term every school year. Those results are used to decide on candidates for learning support for the following school year. Those who fall below the 10th percentile are highlighted as candidates for learning support. In borderline cases, children who score between the 10th and 20th percentile are also considered, depending on the number of places available and in consultation with class teachers. A child’s learning support will be discontinued in consultation with parents once a child’s results exceed the 20th percentile.


Diagnostic Tests

The following diagnostic tests are used to assess oral language, reading and writing among selected candidates in order to draw up learning targets (AFL):

•Drumcondra English Profiles

•Aston Index Pack

•NARA: Neale Analysis of Reading Ability

•New Non - Reading Intelligence Tests

•YARC – York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension



Priority Learning Needs (targets) identified by the SET in a child’s IEP (in consultation with parents and other teachers) are used as a basis for teacher designed tests/tasks. Once a child has achieved the success criteria stated in the IEP, new priority learning needs are set.


Reporting to Parents

The SET produces a written progress report at the end of the school year that is included in the child’s school report card.


Language Support.

A pupil’s English language proficiency is assessed across the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. During the silent phase observation charts and checklists can be used to assess a child’s progress. A number of weeks should elapse before initial testing is carried out on newcomer children. After that, progress is assessed at intervals using the Primary School Assessment Kit.


3rd-6th class Methods of Assessment:

•Self Assessment


Child/Teacher designed Rubrics

KWL Charts

Talk Partners/Buddies

PMI Charts

Traffic Lights

Self Correcting



Parent Teacher Meetings

Teacher Child Meetings

Children discuss difficulties with the teacher and where strengths and weaknesses are

Teacher/Teacher conferences

•Portfolio Assessment

Individual Folders with children’s work

Photographs of children’s work and children working on a project

•Concept Mapping

Mind mapping for planning writing topics

Brainstorming a new topic


Giving children time to ask/answer questions

Familiarising the children with the question words

•Teacher Observation


Anecdotal Records

Target child

Time Samples

Event Samples (Behavioural)

•Teacher designed tasks and tests

Spelling/Maths Tests weekly


Sample writing and copy work

 Roles and Responsibility.

The coordination of this policy is the responsibility of Principal, Class Teachers SET.

Implementation and Review.

The implementation of this policy will commence in September 2011. It will be reviewed on an annual basis, or as circumstances may warrant.


This policy was ratified by the school Board of Management on _____________.




Signed: _________________________________ Chairperson, BOM Camolin N.S.